15 College Students Received Link University Scholarship 2022-2023
15 College Students Received Link University Scholarship 2022-2023
15 College students received the Link University Scholarship 2022. This scholarship aims to award local Hong Kong students who are the first in three generations of their families admitted to a local university with outstanding academic performance and community service achievements.
List of UC awardees are as follows:
CHU Ming Kong (BCSE/1) |
CHUNG Shing Ho (GRMD/4) |
FUNG Wan Wai (LAWS/1) |
KWONG Kwan Ho (IBBA/4) |
FUNG Tin Lok (BSCI/1) |
CHAN Hoi Shing (RMSC/1) |
CHAN Wing Yin (HIST/2) |
LAM Hiu Yan (IBBA/1) |
SO Yong Yin Eva (PSYC/4) |
YU Tsz Lok (IBBA/3) |
MA Yin Ting (BSSC/1) |
NG King Fung (QFIN/3) |
NG Wai Nam (MEDU/1) |
PAN Chenwen (IBBA/1) |
LI Wing Yan (IBBA/4) |