Highly Cited Researchers 2022
Highly Cited Researchers 2022
College member, Professor Wong Po Keung of School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science has been honoured as Clarivate Analytics “Highly Cited Researcher” for three consecutive years. His research area focuses on the following:
- Photocatalytic treatment for environmental/water purification
- Environmental technology
- Environmental microbiology / biotechnology
Highly Cited Researchers list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their field(s) of study. This honor is given to researchers who published multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations in their respective fields of study and year of publication in the last decade.
11 CUHK researchers honored as “Highly Cited Researchers 2022”. For more details, please read: https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/tc/press/eleven-cuhk-scholars-named-highly-cited-researchers-2022/.