【College Assembly】Get Moving at Home – Fitness Workshops

We have been fighting with the coronavirus disease for over a year, with most time staying at home. Keeping a healthy body is essential to the battle with coronavirus. Therefore, with the assistance of United College Physical Education Unit, two fitness workshops were recorded at PE Unit and shared at College Assembly to instruct and encourage students to do more exercises during the pandemic to keep healthy and fit.
Fitness Workshop (1) – High-intensity Interval Training [HIIT]
Demonstrated by UC Sports Association Students, instructed by Ms Crystal Cheung, instructor of UC PE Unit.
Fitness Workshop (2) – Thai Boxing
Instructed by Mr Ray Ho, instructor of UC PE Unit.
Exercise pumps up the endorphins in the brain, improves your mood, and reduces the negative effects of stress. After watching the videos, it is hoped that students can integrate work-out in their daily lives and get moving even at home!