Joint Student Union Executive Committees Inauguration Ceremony 2023

Joint Student Union Executive Committees’ Inauguration Ceremony for four Colleges, including Chung Chi College, New Asia College, United College, and Lee Woo Sing College, was held at LT6, Lee Shau Kee Building on 27 March 2023. Heads, Dean of Students of the Colleges and other honorable guests were invited to join this occasion. Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate Head and Dean of Students, encouraged the student leaders to devote themselves in serving UC students and the community in coming year. Other College guests, including Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate Head, Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students, Dr Leung Tak Wah, Associate Dean of General Education, and Dr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary had also shown their heartfelt support to “UCoalesce” in the ceremony.
Our warmest congratulations to the College Student Union “UCoalesce”!
Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students, encouraged the executive committee members of “UCoalesce” to work together in serving the students and becoming a bridge between the College and fellow students.
Mr Sunny Fung (left), immediate Past Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Administration Committee, passed the Student Union flag to Mr Tam Wing Cheong (right), President of the Student Union, symbolizing the official handover of student union duties.
Presidents of four College student unions swore to be united and serve all fellow students of the University and Colleges.