Give to UC
19 Nov 2025

The Last Dance – Charity Screening by UC Alumni Association X UC

With the generous support of our alumni, the charity screening of The Last Dance, co-organised by the United College Alumni Association and the College, was held on 19 November 2024. The event had a full house. We were honored to have Mr Michael Hui, our distinguished alumnus (69/SOCI) and esteemed filmmaker, share his reflections on life and death prior to the screening.

Mr Hui shared his reflections with the participants.

Ms Lina H Y Yan (left), Chairman of Board of Trustees, and Mr Simon K C Lee (right), President of UCAA, presented souvenirs to Mr Michael Hui (centre).

This meaningful event generated proceeds that, after deducting necessary costs, will be fully donated to the “United College Ming De Xin Min Alumni Fund” to support various student awards and provide emergency assistance to students in need.

The College extends its sincere gratitude to all alumni for their support and looks forward to seeing you all at future events.

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