United College SIEL Project 2020-2021 – “Stories of Our Community”

In the market-driven society like Hong Kong, there is a group of people setting up enterprises not for financial return, but for an ultimate goal to improve the society – they are called Social Entrepreneurs. Social Entrepreneurs challenge conventional structures causing inadequate provision or unequal distribution of social and environmental goods by addressing these failures and identifying new opportunities for better alternatives. They all have an important quality – sound knowledge of their own community. “Stories of Our Community” is the theme of Social Innovation and Experiential Learning Project 2020-2021 of United College, with the aim of providing a better connection and understanding to students of their community, and at the same time giving more inspiration on social enterprises (SEs) and social problems.
The College has organised an Opening Seminar – “Turning Problems into Innovative Ideas – The History of HK Social Enterprise Movement (2001-2020)” on 5 January 2021 to kick of the United College SIEL Project 2020-2021. We were happy to have Dr C A Tse, Founder of Social Entrepreneurship School Education (SEnSE) Program and Programme Architect of the Innovator Farm (HK), to be our guest speaker. He introduced our students the social enterprises of Hong Kong, as well as the recent 10-year development of SE industry in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. We hoped to open up new vistas for our students and inspire their thinking. Participants enjoyed so much and were eager to express their ideas towards SE after the seminar.
In collaboration with Kaifong Tour, a local social enterprise, another activity named “North Point Story” Online Tour was organised on 8 January 2021. Technology has enabled new levels of convenience. A vibrant live tour from Shau Kei Wan to North Point was broadcasted to students, in order to enhance their understanding of different communities. Through the sharing of these interesting stories and history, we hope that our students would learn to care for and contribute to our communities.