UChum Programme

Programme Introduction

UChum, “Chum” means friends. It represents the College’s wish to go beyond the teaching role and forge friendships with all college students. We hope to recruit passionate mental health advocates in our College to curate a series of stress-relieving activities for our students, thus injecting positivity into the campus.

Before commencing their duties, our College Peer Support Ambassadors will undergo a Mental Health First-aid Course and other related training provided by the College. Students who complete the programme will be awarded a certificate, while outstanding members may be nominated for the College Service Award.

Tentative Programme Schedule

Date Events
Oct 2023 Mental Health First-aid Course
Nov 2023 Recruit Student Ambassadors
Late Dec 2023 or Jan 2024 2-day-1-night Training Camp
Jan to Jul 2024 Activity Planning and Organisation

Chum Chum

Meet Chum Chum, an incredibly shy chameleon who tends to camouflage himself and hides his true emotions.

Let’s cheer for Chum Chum and be his friend!