WEDO Leadership Development Programme News

The WEDO Leadership Development Programme was established through the generous donation of Ms Lina H Y Yan, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees; Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Leadership Training Institute Council of the Scout Association of Hong Kong. The Programme supported the College’s General Education course, GEUC2018 “Leadership in Practice”, was jointly organised with the Scout Association of Hong Kong. The closing ceremony for the first term was held on 27 October 2022 at the Staff Canteen of Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building. Attending guests included Mr Hong Po Sum, Curriculum Committee Chairman; Dr Tsang Wing Hong, Quality Assurance Committee Chairman; Mr George Lung, Headquarters Commissioner (Education) of the Scout Association of Hong Kong; Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head; Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate Head and Dean of General Education; Dr Leung Tak Wah, Associate Dean of General Education; and Mr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary. The College would like to express heartfelt thanks to all guests for their support.
It has been well established that experiential training is an excellent means of developing leadership, confidence, team spirit and other qualities of character. For many years the development of such qualities has been recognised as being of high importance by the senior management of the academic, non-government and commercial organisations. Leadership is best learned by doing. This course will explore and examine leadership theory and practice through experiential learning in the outdoor and a different setting rather than studying mainly in a classroom. It provides students with a structured, supervised programme of participation in the practice of leadership and teambuilding. The goal of this course is to help students acquire practical skills and judgment to develop their leadership qualities. On completion of this course, students will be able to identify and achieve their goals at a comparatively earlier stage in life.