United College
Student Wellness Programme


The College has always valued students’ mental wellbeing, which gives rise to Student Wellness Programme. We offer a variety of activities and workshops to help students relax, relieve stress, and stay positive outside the classroom. College students are recruited to join the UChum programme to become Mental Health Ambassadors, who will complete a Mental First-aid Course and organise wellness campaigns for fellow College mates afterwards.

View Our Activities Highlights


“I enjoyed every part of the workshop. Making wagashi is really a great fun and rewarding. Although I did not expect the part that the teacher talked about pressure points, it was very interesting though.”

- Participant of Wagashi Workshop

「活動讓我們可以整理對生活或者當下情緒的一些體會,精神上的高壓稍微可以釋放。身邊同學都表示近兩年有關精神健康需求真的頗大 ,這類的活動可讓我們當下情緒變得平和,又有一些得著,我個人很建議書院繼續舉辦。」

- 慈山寺靜修體驗參加者

During the fun fair, I was delighted to see the support from the College Head, staff and students. Everyone was very involved in the games and had a relaxing time during the midterm. I hope that I can participate in it and give emotional support to participants too.

- UChum Mental Health Student Ambassador


- UChum精神健康學生大使

Contact Us

Mr Sam Chan
Dean of Students' Office,
United College