Tea Gathering with Different Stakeholders

To keep the connection and interaction with different stakeholders, Head and College Administrators arranged meetings with them since their term of duty from August. Last time, they met with department coordinators, this time, they gathered with parties below:
Tea Gathering with Mainland Students
To strengthen the connection with mainland students and know more about their needs, the College organsied a tea gathering for new students from Mainland China on 29 September 2022 at the College Si Yuan Amenities Centre. Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head; Professor Lee Hung Kay and Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate College Heads; Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Dr Leung Tak Wah, Professor Vivian W Y Lee and Mr Wong On Tung, Wardens of UC hostels; together with Mr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary, joined the gathering to greet the students. Participants were happy to chat with College Head and other College representatives in a relaxing environment.
Tea Gathering with Senior College Tutor
Most Senior College Tutors are retired teachers. College Head and other college administrators invited them to return to campus for a tea gathering on 10 October 2022, and shared the College’s latest development and exchanged views with them.
Tea-gathering with Residents’ Associations and Non-residential Hall Associations
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, and Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students, invited the student representatives of Residents’ Associations, Non-residential Hall Associations and Wardens to join a tea-gathering, which took place at Si Yuan Amenities Centre on 28 October 2022.