Finding UCians Hidden in the Campus: Luncheon for UC Alumni Working in CUHK

The College organised a luncheon for United College alumni working in CUHK on 2 February 2024 at the College Staff Common Room, to strengthen their connection with the College. Nearly 50 alumni working in CUHK attended this luncheon. Ms Lina H Y Yan, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees, Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, Professor Lee Hung Kay and Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate College Heads, Mr Simon K C Lee, President of the College Alumni Association (UCAA), Professor Fung Kwok Pui, Vice-President of UCAA, Mr Mingles M T Tsoi, Vice-Chairperson of the Council of UCAA and Mr Kelvin Y M Yeung, Executive Committee Member of UCAA showed their staunch support in the gathering.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, expressed gratitude to the alumni who work in different units in CUHK to come back to UC to join this luncheon in midst of their busy work schedule. He also encouraged the alumni to participate more and support the development and activities of the College. Alumni seized the opportunity to get to know fellow UC alumni from different graduating years and working in different units in this joyful event.
For United College alumni working in CUHK, if you are interested in attending the Luncheon next year, please keep an eye out for the promotion in the CUHK Weekly Digest of Mass Mail. Don’t want to miss out on event updates? UC alumni are most welcomed to send us your information (e.g. name, graduation year and major, current work sector in CUHK, contact phone number and email) to This facilitates the College in delivering the latest activities updates to colleagues in different CUHK departments. Looking forward to having you join us next year!