Friday Luncheon Presented by College Life Committee in Term 1 of 2023-2024 (Part I)

Friday Luncheon is one of the traditional events of United College, which welcomes College members and their friends to participate during term time. Members are invited to share their recent life experiences and feelings during the short talk session. It is hoped that the luncheons could serve as a platform for promoting interaction and cohesion among members with different academic backgrounds, and providing a moment of relaxation in their hectic schedules.
22.9.2023 Eczema: Exorcist (Speaker: Professor Ellis K L Hon, Senior College Tutor, United College)
29.9.2023 Beyond the Author: Generative AI and Student Co-creativity in Higher Education (Speaker: Professor Nogues Collier Desha, UC Departmental Coordinator of Department of English)
6.10.2023 Gathering with members of Hok Hoi Library
13.10.2023 International Doctoral Students in China: Motivations and Experiences (Speaker: Professor Dai Kun, Department of Educational Administration and Policy)