New College Management

The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has approved the appointment of Professor Stephen H S Wong, as Head of United College for an initial period of four years from 1 August 2022, succeeding Professor Jimmy C M Yu. The University and College are deeply grateful to Professor Yu, who has served as College Head for ten years, for his dedicated service and significant contributions over the years.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head
The College Board of Trustees and Assembly of Fellows of United College have also approved the appointments of Professor Martin C S Wong as Associate College Head and Dean of Students, Professor Lee Hung Kay as Associate College Head and Dean of General Education, Professor Tang Sze Wing as Associate College Head, Ms Crystal K Y Cheung as Associate Dean of Students and Dr Leung Tak Wah as Associate Dean of General Education for two years from 1 August 2022.
Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students
Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education
Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate College Head
Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students
Dr Leung Tak Wah, Associate Dean of General Education
Mr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary
Group photo of new College Management and colleagues.