Language Improvement Project – The Joy of Face-to-face Classes

As the COVID situation relieved in May, some face-to-face teaching activities of the Language Improvement Project 2021-2022 Spring Programmes could be resumed. The courses included “Japanese Language and Culture for Beginners”, “English & Etiquette for Professionals”, and “The Language and Art of Chinese Seal”.
“English & Etiquette for Professionals” focused on the social language, manner, and etiquette in the world of business. The College arranged a realistic restaurant setting for students to practice the things they learnt in class.
There was also an origami workshop in the Japanese Language and Culture course, so that students could experience Japanese culture from a new area.
During the course of “The Language and Art of Chinese Seal”, the instructor also shared some historic stories and literature together with different examples of the modern application of Chinese seal art, so as to boost students’ knowledge and interest in Chinese language and culture. Students also made their own Chinese seal art. Their artwork included graphic, single-character and two-character seals.