Webpage for New Students

新的篇章 始於聯合

Belong, Believe, Become: YOUR STORY STARTS HERE

24 August 2023

Dear Freshmen,

On behalf of the United College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I would like to welcome all of you in joining our big family. Being a fresh “Glorious UCians”, you might be exploring various services of our College at this stage. Therefore, we have prepared some useful information for your easy reference.

You can also take some time to browse the College freshmen page to get the most updated messages and news.  If you have questions other than the above areas, please email unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk and we will do our best to respond as soon as possible.

The Orientation Camp Organising Committee has arranged camp activities from 28 to 31 August 2023. If you have not yet registered for this event and would like to join now, please contact Ms June Yau, chairperson of the College Orientation Camp Organizing Committee at 9802 9129 or email uc23ocamp@gmail.com for registration.

Lastly, I strongly encourage you to make good use of the resources available at both the University and the College, so that you will enjoy a fruitful University life at the United College.


Yours sincerely,
Professor Martin C S Wong
Associate Head and Dean of Students


College Webpage: https://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/
College New Students Webpage: https://www.uc.cuhk.edu.hk/webpage-for-new-students/