Travel After Pandemic – Globe-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) Programme

To keep pace with globalisation and broaden students’ international outlook, United College launched the Globe-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) Programme in 2008. Supported by a wide range of scholarships and financial awards, students have many opportunities to participate in non-local learning activities organised by the College or co-organised with other units of the University. As the pandemic subsided, the College resumed the application for both long-term and short-term GOAL programmes. 34 students were selected to participate in the long-term exchange programme in the coming year (2023/24) for one semester or one academic year, while 163 students were selected to participate in various short-term overseas exchange programmes in this coming summer, including trips to Oxford University in the UK and Sydney University in Australia. First to go were a student who travelled to Egypt to participate in the Egypt Dodgeball World Cup 2022 and nine students who travelled to Singapore for the Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2023 (AYLTLC). Let’s see their fruitful journey!
College student and member of the Hong Kong Dodgeball Men’s Team, Mr Chen Haolin (ESHE/1), has been involved in dodgeball since young. In December 2022, Haolin and his teammates travelled to Egypt to represent Hong Kong in the Under-21 Men Dodgeball World Cup 2022 in Egypt and won the first runner-up.
►►►College Student and Teammates Won the First Runner-up in the Egypt Dodgeball World Cup 2022
On the other hand, at the invitation of the organising committee of Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2023, nine College students went to Singapore from 2 to 6 February 2023 to participate in the 10th Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2023, and spent a wonderful and unforgettable time with more than 200 outstanding university students from various universities from Philippines, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, China and other countries and regions. They had a wonderful and unforgettable time together.
►►►Singapore Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2023
Nearly 4,100 students have participated in the GOAL programme which was launched in 2008. Students travel to around 40 cities each year in benefit of this programme.
- The University of Sydney, Australia
- Peking University, China
- Tsinghua University, China
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- University of Oulu, Finland
- The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
- University of Oxford, UK
- University of York, UK
- University of California, Berkeley, USA
- University of California, Los Angeles, USA
- Harvard University, USA
- Yale University, USA